Protect Your Skin from the Kauai Sun with the Right Sunscreen

Taking care of your skin and protecting it from the sun is more important now than ever before. Here on Kauai, UV light can be very intense and harsh due to the tropical climate. Sunblock is essential to keeping your skin healthy and protected from sunburn and damage. But choosing the right sunblock can be a challenge. 

When it comes to sunblock, there are two key factors to consider: SPF (Sun Protection Factor) and UVA/UVB protection. The SPF is a measure of protection from UVB rays, which are the main cause of sunburn and skin damage. UVA protection is the measure of protection from UVA rays, which can cause premature aging and skin cancer. A good sunblock should have an SPF of at least 30, and should also provide UVA/UVB protection. 

When applying sunblock, it's essential to make sure you cover all exposed areas of your skin. A common mistake is to only put sunblock on the face when the rest of your body needs just as much protection. Another mistake is not using enough - the rule of thumb is to use a teaspoon-sized amount for your face and neck, and a shot glass-sized amount for your entire body. 

Finally, there are other steps you can take to protect your skin from the sun here on Kauai. It's important to limit your time in the direct sun, and wear protective clothing and hats. Seek shade whenever possible, and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. 

Taking these steps and using the right sunblock can ensure that your skin is well protected from the harsh Kauai sun. If you are interested in trying out a new sunblock, book a consultation with me to help you find the best fit!

Helping You Look and Feel Your Best,

Nurse Lina Skin Medex
Lina Van Fossen, RN, BSN

Lina is Skin Medex Aesthetic Nurse Injector and is committed to delivering the best possible care to her patients, combining her professional know-how with a warm, compassionate disposition and an unwavering commitment to discretion. She approaches each patient with the utmost respect and care, striving to create an individualized plan that will bring out their true beauty. Her passion for her work is evident in her dedication to providing quality results.


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